5 scenarios where you should display the price per unit of your products
If you're a seller of any kind, you know that customers love to know how much they're spending on each item. In many cases, it's important for customers to see the price per unit of your product as this helps. But sometimes it can be tricky to know when to do this. In this article, we’re going to have a look at a few scenarios where you should absolutely consider displaying the price per unit of your products and how this can lead to increased sales.
When selling food and beverage items
More so than for any other product category, when shopping online, customers expect to see the price per unit for food and beverage items. For price-conscious shoppers, this is a crucial piece of information that helps them make informed purchasing decisions and compare similar products in order to choose the one that represents the best value for money. But this isn’t the only consideration; when selling these types of products displaying the price per unit could be legally required.
Many jurisdictions have laws mandating the disclosure of price per unit of measurement information for food and beverage items. Legislation related to this has been implemented in the European Union, United Kingdom and North America as early as the 1970s as well as in Australia since 2009.
When selling products that consumers expect to be weighed or measured
A classic example would be construction materials such as paint, flooring, tiles or products such as spices, coffee, and protein powder. But there are many examples far less obvious than these. When buying laundry detergent, for instance, customers may feel that price per liter is a more relevant metric than the price per bottle.
When shopping online, customers often expect to see the price per unit for the items they're interested in. In an increasingly competitive online marketplace, shoppers appreciate being able to have all the available information before they make a purchase. By displaying the price per unit, you can give shoppers the confidence that they're getting a good deal and that they’re making an informed decision.
When selling products in bulk
Displaying the price per unit is especially important when you are selling products in bulk and the overall total price may appear high. Clearly visible, highlighted unit pricing is essential in making sure your customers understand just how much money they’re actually saving.
In fact, this relates to a psychological pricing technique called anchoring. Because the higher price is the first number that the customer sees, they compare all prices and products to that item to determine value and this is proven to influence greater spending. For more information on psychological pricing techniques check out our article here ….
When you want to leverage your prices to increase sales
The price per unit is essentially a tool used by shoppers to compare prices across brands. As an e-commerce merchant, it’s important to recognize that consumers have a greater need than ever to obtain value for money and make better purchase decisions. Displaying the price per unit is an excellent way in which you can leverage low prices and stand apart from your competitors.
But what if your prices aren’t that competitive? Displaying the price per unit of your products enables you to take advantage of several powerful psychological pricing techniques and it can lead to increased sales. You can find out more about this topic here.
When looking to build trust with your customers through transparent pricing
Regardless of whether or not it’s required, displaying the price per unit is a way of being transparent with customers and helping them make the best purchase decisions. In an increasingly competitive online marketplace, shoppers appreciate being able to see all the available information before they make a purchase. By displaying the price per unit, you can give shoppers the confidence that they're getting a good deal.
Price displays are an important part of a consumer’s purchasing process. By making it easy for your customers to see the price per unit, you can instill confidence and trust in your product. Best of all, our Price Per Unit app makes displaying these easy and hassle-free! So if you want to start increasing conversions on your Shopify store, head over to the app store and download our app today. Have you tried price displays before? What was your experience like? Let us know in the comments below!